Echo Machinery Offers Tic Insert Material

We,Echo Machinery,Started to cooperate with universities about Titanium Carbide Rod material since 2014.We already made bulk production since 2018.We call it is Tic Insert material. It can be used to insert into fixed jaw plate,movable jaw plates,bowl liner,as well as mantle.It can extend wear-resistant material lifespan greatly 80%-300%. Our customers can greatly reduce the down-time and increase working efficiency.

Echo Machinery is Expert of Wear-Resistant Material Solution. All our spare parts provided by Echo Machinery are backed with the ISO 9001 Certificate and shipped only after passed our quality control procedures. The sale teams in Echo Machinery are ready to help you with a quote and to check the inventory. Our engineers would like to answer your technical questions. Talk to Echo Machinery about the specific needs now!

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